How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?

Weight loss

Experts advise moderate weight loss through long-term behavioural and eating pattern modifications in order to reduce weight and keep it off.

There are many options available when it comes to diets, fads, pills, and supplements, but what is the most effective, long-term, and healthful strategy to lose weight?

This article addresses the many diets and weight-loss strategies that support long-term weight maintenance at a modest level.

What is the most sustainable way to lose weight?

There isn’t just one way to do things.Reliable resource for weight loss that suits all users.

Typically, sticking to a certain diet or programme won’t help you maintain your weight reduction and achieve your desired moderate weight. Weight reduction and weight control are typically the result of lifestyle, dietary, and physical activity changes.

While there are diet plans and drugs that can help you drop a lot of weight quickly, maintaining that weight loss might be more challenging. The majority of the time, long-term weight loss is a gradual process without the use of rigorous dietary restrictions.Trusted Source.

According to research released in 2018, 20% of overweight or obese individuals are able to sustain their weight loss over the long run.

After reviewing 29 studies on the durability of long-term weight reduction, researchers discovered that over half of the weight that one study group lost was gained back in just two years. Approximately 80% of the weight that the research participants had initially lost had been regained by the end of the 5-year period.

How much weight can you really expect to lose in a month?
Those who are able to keep off the weight often lose it gradually, gaining 1-2 pounds a week on averageTrusted Source over an extended period of time. That is equivalent to 4–8 pounds every month.

Generally speaking, unless you have bariatric surgery, losing too much weight is neither safe or advised. Bariatric surgery, often known as weight reduction surgery, necessitates close monitoring and intensive counselling, both of which are provided by medical specialists.

A fad diet may allow you to drop up to 20 pounds in a month, but this kind of drastic weight reduction is not thought to be healthy or long-term. It’s crucial that you talk to a healthcare provider about any weight loss plans and objectives.

Can you keep up weight loss over time?

Finding a weight-loss strategy that works for you, is reasonable, and is long-term viable is the key to sticking with it.

Diets that severely limitReliable It might be challenging to stick to an eating plan over time if you source your food intake or restrict it to particular food kinds. They could also jeopardise your general health and nutritional state.

Maintaining a weight decrease over the long term also depends on things like:

Your DNA and personal and family medical history
emotional and stress-related variables
actions related to food consumption, such as physical activity, dietary restrictions, and food accessibility
socioeconomic problems

How to lose weight naturally and permanently

Everybody loses weight in a somewhat different way, based on factors including age, genetics, and general health. But there are a few fundamental ideas that are usually applicableTrusted Source.

Set a goal and make a commitment: An important first step in weight reduction is deciding to pursue it and committing to the necessary behavioural and lifestyle adjustments.

Review your situation: Assess your current weight reduction status and realistically consider the necessary adjustments. It’s important to be truthful with yourself about the eating patterns, lifestyle choices, and other elements that have contributed to your weight gain or may make it challenging to lose weight.

Set realistic goals and expectations: Although you may like to lose a lot of weight rapidly, this is not a realistic or sustainable weight reduction objective. It’s critical to set reasonable behavioural change objectives that complement your weight reduction goals and motivate you to stick with them. It’s critical to understand that experiencing sporadic setbacks, like failing to reach a goal, may occur during your weight reduction journey. Recognising this might help you prepare for these possible setbacks and find motivation to keep going in the event that they occur.

Identify resources and get support: Finding advice and information on weight reduction is useful, whether it comes from a private firm or counsellor, friends, a support group, community organisations, or a medical team. It may be quite effective to have someone to hold you responsible, provide support when necessary, and inspire you.

Monitor your progress and be open and ready to make changes: It’s possible that your weight loss regimen will change as you go. You can figure out what works and what doesn’t as you work towards your weight loss objective. Allocate some time for introspection over your actions and their effectiveness. Then, you may make any required adjustments.

If you want to make sure that any weight loss efforts you undertake also involve proper and balanced nutrition, you could think about collaborating with a trained dietitian and a primary healthcare provider.

What foods can help you with sustainable weight loss?

No meal can make you lose weight or keep it off magically.

Different food kinds are processed differently by your body. It’s critical to understand that some groups either positively or adversely impact weight reduction.

MacronetrientsTrusted Source speak about proteins, lipids, and carbs. Minerals and vitamins, on the other hand, are micronutrients. Both of these may have an impact on your weight reduction results.

Foods high in protein do offer benefits.Reliable Source for information on body composition and weight loss in particular. Consuming proteins might reduce your appetite.

Conversely, diets heavy in sugar, carbs, and fats tend to be counterproductive to weight reduction and maintenance. The majority of people who are successful in keeping off the weight avoid or consume these meals in moderation.

Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and higher calorie foods, such as cereal, baked goods, and white flour breads, usually has little nutritional benefit and might impede your attempts to lose weight.

But some carbohydrates, like those found in whole grains with lots of fibre, are a vital and healthful component of any diet plan for losing weightTrusted Source.

Exercises that can help

Any kind of exercise is beneficial for you, particularly in the beginning. Your body naturally burns calories when you breathe and other regular tasks. On the other hand, extracurricular activities can counteract the impact of any excess energy you consume, such as food.

Individual differences exist in the amount and kind of physical activity—like exercise—that each individual needs to engage in. Finding physical activities that suit your needs, fit your performance level, and motivate you to do them on a regular basis is beneficial.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise 150 minutes or more per week of moderately strenuous aerobic exercise to maintain weight. This can be as simple as walking for 30 minutes most days of the week or, less often, longer, more intensive workouts like biking or swimming.

Guidelines for physical exercise in public healthStrength training is also included by Trusted Source twice a week.

The precise kind and quantity of physical activity you require to shed pounds and keep it off can vary depending on the kind of exercise you perform, how frequently you do it, and the amount of extra energy (calories) you want to burn.


Gaining and maintaining weight loss takes time. While there may be rapid weight loss methods available, most people who follow them end up gaining back the weight they lost. Additionally, losing weight quickly might have a bad impact on your health.

Experts advise moderate weight loss utilising eating patterns and long-term behavioural adjustments in order to reduce weight healthily and keep it off.



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