Why Ram Mandir Ayodhya murti is black?

Ayodhya Ram Mandir: why is Ram Lalla’s murti black?

The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is almost finished, and the Ram Lalla monument is surrounded by a lot of oddities. The idol is composed of black stone and stands 51 inches tall. To fully understand Ram Lalla’s purification, we should be aware of a few things that have profound symbolic meanings.

On January 22, 2024, a 51-inch holy area of the Ram temple in Ayodhya will host the purifying ritual. He will have a dark skin tone. In this, a 5-year-old youngster will sit on a lotus, representing Shri Ram. The idol will be eight feet tall with the lotus blossom.

The significance of the 51-inch-tall 5-year-old idol of Ram Lalla may be of interest to you.

Ayodhya Ram Mandir: why is Ram Lalla’s murti black

Ram Lalla’s murti is black

That may be the reason given by some for the black stone used to create the statue of Ram Lalla. The Shaligram stone, from which Hindu gods and goddesses are carved, is used to create Ram Lalla’s statue. It is revered as a sacred stone. Shaligrams are smooth, oval-shaped stones with a black tint. Religious writings claim that Shaligrams are Lord Vishnu’s idol form. This kind of stone is fossilized. Usually, people gather Shaligram’s stone from the holy river’s banks or bottom.

What is special about the statue?

Let us tell you that the black stone from which the idol of Lord Ram is made has a lifespan of thousands of years. This means that no harm will come to this stone for years. At the same time, even water will not cause any harm to this idol of the Lord. It is being said that even applying Roli-Chandan to the idol will not cause any harm. Let us tell you that Shyamal stone does not spoil for thousands of years. In such a situation, many media reports believe that the milk with which Lord Ram was anointed will also not spoil. Drinking this milk will not have any bad effect on our health.

Features of the stone used in the idol of Ram Lalla

Why has the idol of Ram Lala been made from this stone only? You will find the answer to this question in the properties of this stone. Actually, during the worship of Ramlala, he was anointed with milk. Now due to the properties of this stone there will be no change in the milk. Drinking this milk is not harmful for health. Nothing gets spoiled by this stone for a thousand years. There will be no change of any kind in this.

There is a description in Valmiki Ramayana:

Apart from this, in the form of Lord Rama described in Valmiki Ramayana, he has been described as dark complexioned, very beautiful, soft and attractive. That is why the color of Ramlala’s idol has been kept black.

Why is the statue made in the form of a child only?

According to belief, the child form is worshiped in the birthplace. For this reason, the idol of Lord Shri Ram has been made in the form of a child.

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